Reflections on my session at PASS Data Community Summit 2022

Reflections on my session at PASS Data Community Summit 2022

It has been just on week since PASS Data Community Summit took place in Seattle and online. I attended from home but more importantly delivered my own brand-new session there (wooohooo!). Here I would like to quickly share some reflections on it. Summit It was an awesome experience being able to present at Summit. I visited the event in Seattle in 2019 in person. To be honest with you dear reader….being the first time in the US didn’t blow my…

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Beware of floats

Beware of floats

I am currently volunteering as an instructor to teach young women about Data & SQL. Right in the first module we covered core data types as shown here: For this blog post I’d like to write about FLOAT and DECIMAL and why in most cases I think that DECIMAL is a much better choice. Approximate values According to the MySQL documentation float (and double) represent approximate numeric data values This is the reason where the general problem comes from. But…

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Continue your learning journey in SQL

Continue your learning journey in SQL

It has already been three weeks since the end of the Code First Girls course on Data & SQL. We have celebrated the achievements on LinkedIn. I am greatly impressed by the final projects of my students. This article is for them to show possibilities how to continue learning SQL and excel as well as for others who have just begun their journey with SQL. It is well-known that practice is essential for mastering any new subject learnt. One way…

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Attending SQLBits as a virtual participant

Attending SQLBits as a virtual participant

This week has been great for me as a learning opportunity by going to SQLBits for the first time ever. Well…actually not going but logging in from home watching online. So as SQLBits as all good things is petering out/comes to an end time to do a personal summary. Blogging I aimed to to a summary blog post for each day. However eagle eyed readers will notice that I stopped on Thursday which was the first conference day. Reason for…

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Notes from SQLBits Conference Day 1

Notes from SQLBits Conference Day 1

I’ll try to highlight the top takeaways per session from my side. Keynote – Level Up with Azure Data This was an entertaining show by Microsoft’s Bob Ward and Buck Woody . They pretended that Bob has a dream about presenting and could do everything. Great consequence was that they had a lot of great people from the Microsoft Team invited presented including Pedro Lopes, Anna Hoffmann, Patrick Leblanc (Guy in a cube) and much more. Demos were given with…

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SQLBits: Notes from Adam Jorgensen’s PreCon “Thriving as a technical leader”

SQLBits: Notes from Adam Jorgensen’s PreCon “Thriving as a technical leader”

This is part 2 of my series on learning at SQLBits. Today I had the pleasure to learn from Adam Jorgensen what it’s like to be a leader and how you can thrive being one. My personal motivation for this ist that I have been doing work as a BI engineer for over a decade now and am currently evaluating how to move on.# The session was truly worthwile…Adam kept it very interactive and Victoria Holt made sure that the…

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SQLBits: Notes from Brent Ozar’s PreCon “Mastering Parameter Sniffing”

SQLBits: Notes from Brent Ozar’s PreCon “Mastering Parameter Sniffing”

It’s learning time again…with my first time at SQLBits. Sadly it’s just virtual as there is still a corporate travel ban due to Covid, but I had a great first day and learned a ton. My wife just approached me this morning telling me “Hey if you gonna learn all day take this as a chance for your blog and share what you’ve learnt there…but keep it short and simple and don’t write essays”. With the latter part…I have my…

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Reflections on being a SQL teacher for the first time

Reflections on being a SQL teacher for the first time

I am currently volunteering as an instructor in a course on Data & SQL by Code First Girls. Read more about it here. Yesterday has been my first round as a teacher for a whole module. Here are some reflections on it and what I learned from it. TLDR: Don’t put too much content into one session…time catches up sooner as you think. Also allow some extra time for tech problems and Q&A. Be sure to have a dry run…

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Proud to be an instructor in the Code First Girl’s class on Data & SQL

Proud to be an instructor in the Code First Girl’s class on Data & SQL

I have the great pleasure and honor to be a volunteer for Code First Girls. This is a UK based non profit organization with the mission to encourage young women to pursue a job in the Tech sector by giving them foundamentals in relevant skills such as programming or (in my case) SQL and Databases. I have been given the opportunity by Experian to volunteer in that course and share my expertise as a data professional. What does that mean…

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SQLdays 2021 Erding: Zusammenfassung

SQLdays 2021 Erding: Zusammenfassung

Note: This blog post is in German as it is about a German conference and I expect mainly German readers. Moreover I have to admit it is easier to write German early in the morning than english :-P. Anyway feel free to run it through google translate if you are non-german-speaking and interested in the content. Wow…endlich mal wieder ein Blogeintrag nach langer Zeit. Ich finds zwar ganz gut, wenn man nicht immer was zu sagen haben muss aber zugegen…

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