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Category: data visualization

(Failed) Remake of a Tableau Segmented Bar Chart

(Failed) Remake of a Tableau Segmented Bar Chart

I tried to do the Workout Wednesday Exercise of week 29 but oh boy…this was far to difficult for me.Here’s the PBIX of the failed solution and finally the PBIX of the follow-along-successful solution 😉. Failed approach Data prep and DAX measures I thought were straightforward. I ended up creating a measure for sales for each year and a measure for total sales…sure there are more elegant ways to have this more generic and not have to create a measure…

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Scatter plot showing the path of selected data points

Scatter plot showing the path of selected data points

Another week with Workout Wednesday: This is my take on the exercise for week 27/2024 which is about scatter plots with paths. The challenge is from Bernat Agullo and uses interesting open data from the website Gapminder. I found it very helpful that Bernat provided a written step-by-step guide and I later discovered his video as well. You can download my solution here. So let’s delve in the new things from my perspective. Join Data in Power Query We start…

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Better leave pies for dessert

Better leave pies for dessert

Example of an odd data viz I recently received mail with the following dataviz that made me chuckle and think: You might think, what the heck is that all about? In my home town an election for a new mayor will happen soon. One of the candidates asked all voters what they consider to be important from predefined categories. One important detail is, that you naturally could pick multiple answers. Just have a look at the percentages and ask yourself…

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Pass Summit 2019: Conference Day 2

Pass Summit 2019: Conference Day 2

I already did a quite extensive write-up on some sessions from Conference Day 2 at PASS Summit 2019. Cybersecurity is everyone’s problem: An extract from the Keynote of Day 2 at Pass Summit Survival Techniques for the lone DBA (Pass Summit 2019 Conference Day 2) Successfully communicating with your customers (Pass Summit 2019: Conference Day 2) Here I would like to share the remaining sessions I went to. Design Strategies and Advanced Data Visualization This was quite an interesting session…

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A matter of data visualization

A matter of data visualization

Some time ago my boss asked me for advice on a report he just created. Here’s an example with sample data of what he liked to visualize: For different dates we have a count of objects which had a specific final status. You can reproduce the sample data using the following select statement: query-with-inline-sample-data Goal of the visualization should be to show the distribution across the different status and the overall development of the measured data. Our first approach was…

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