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Category: Business Intelligence

Theme Sentiment Colours with Power BI

Theme Sentiment Colours with Power BI

WoW 2024_26 Today I worked on my first submission to Workout Wednesday. Okay it’s technically Thursday here in Germany but more important I managed to do the whole thing. I chose week 26 which is about Reference Theme Sentiment Colors in DAX and practiced how to design a dashboard in a way where color scheme changes are reflected automatically in the formatting of the visual. I would like to share my personal learnings in a short bullet point list. This…

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A matter of data visualization

A matter of data visualization

Some time ago my boss asked me for advice on a report he just created. Here’s an example with sample data of what he liked to visualize: For different dates we have a count of objects which had a specific final status. You can reproduce the sample data using the following select statement: query-with-inline-sample-data Goal of the visualization should be to show the distribution across the different status and the overall development of the measured data. Our first approach was…

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Create your own shapefile

Create your own shapefile

This blog post is about creating custom shapefiles to support your own visualizations. A shapefile is a vector graphic used for visualisation of spatial data (like maps) by numerous BI frontends or reporting tools.  The blogpost was inspired by a presentation on “free visualisation with the CSP C8 Frontends” given by Matthias Jüstel and Ivo Pawlow at the Cubeware Infotag 2015 in Rosenheim. The presenters repeated their presentation in a webcast on 25.02.2016 which can be viewed on the Cubeware…

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