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Author: admin

(Failed) Remake of a Tableau Segmented Bar Chart

(Failed) Remake of a Tableau Segmented Bar Chart

I tried to do the Workout Wednesday Exercise of week 29 but oh boy…this was far to difficult for me.Here’s the PBIX of the failed solution and finally the PBIX of the follow-along-successful solution 😉. Failed approach Data prep and DAX measures I thought were straightforward. I ended up creating a measure for sales for each year and a measure for total sales…sure there are more elegant ways to have this more generic and not have to create a measure…

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Scatter plot showing the path of selected data points

Scatter plot showing the path of selected data points

Another week with Workout Wednesday: This is my take on the exercise for week 27/2024 which is about scatter plots with paths. The challenge is from Bernat Agullo and uses interesting open data from the website Gapminder. I found it very helpful that Bernat provided a written step-by-step guide and I later discovered his video as well. You can download my solution here. So let’s delve in the new things from my perspective. Join Data in Power Query We start…

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Theme Sentiment Colours with Power BI

Theme Sentiment Colours with Power BI

WoW 2024_26 Today I worked on my first submission to Workout Wednesday. Okay it’s technically Thursday here in Germany but more important I managed to do the whole thing. I chose week 26 which is about Reference Theme Sentiment Colors in DAX and practiced how to design a dashboard in a way where color scheme changes are reflected automatically in the formatting of the visual. I would like to share my personal learnings in a short bullet point list. This…

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Getting Schema Spy to run on databases with lots of tables

Getting Schema Spy to run on databases with lots of tables

The other day I ran into issues with Schema Spy pointing it to a database with 1.200 tables for the first time. The problem The error output was the following: Writing/diagramming detailsINFO – Completed summary in 277 seconds INFO – Writing/diagramming details .Exception in thread “main” java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at org.springframework.boot.loader.Launcher.launch( at org.springframework.boot.loader.Launcher.launch( at org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher.main( Caused by: org.schemaspy.output.diagram.RenderException: Failed to generate Table diagram at org.schemaspy.output.diagram.TableDiagram.generateTableDiagram( at org.schemaspy.output.html.mustache.diagrams.MustacheTableDiagramFactory.generateRealTableDiagrams( at org.schemaspy.output.html.mustache.diagrams.MustacheTableDiagramFactory.generateTableDiagrams( at org.schemaspy.SchemaAnalyzer.generateHtmlDoc( at org.schemaspy.SchemaAnalyzer.analyze( at org.schemaspy.SchemaAnalyzer.analyze( at…

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Testing SQL Server 2022 QAT Backup Compression Software Mode on AMD

Testing SQL Server 2022 QAT Backup Compression Software Mode on AMD

For me as a DBA one of the interesting new features in SQL Server 2022 is the support for Intel QAT compression with backups with compression algorithm QAT Deflate. Backup and Restore are bread and butter things for us DBAs. Unfortunately as time goes by and database size increases backup processes tend to run longer and longer. As these are small changes over longer time frames it typically is difficult to observe till you wake up one morning….production is not…

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Extended Properties on Stereoids: Document multiple properties easily with Data Dictionary Creator

Extended Properties on Stereoids: Document multiple properties easily with Data Dictionary Creator

Meet Extended Properties Microsoft introduced Extended Properties in order to document SQL Server Objects. Take a close look…there’s a plural “s” at the end. This allows great flexibility for you to come up with your own extended properties. But there’s a downside to documenting your custom properties: It is time consuming. You would either have to script them all…which is a bit clumsy with all this levelxtype and levelxname. Alternatively set out on a journey with clicking through a lot…

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Document a database with SchemaSpy using integrated

Document a database with SchemaSpy using integrated

SchemaSpy is a great free open source software for database documentation. You can get a first glimpse of this awesome tool by viewing the sample output. This blog post shows how to configure SchemaSpy to connect to a database using integrated authentication with MS AD  (your windows login) in a Windows environment. Please follow the steps outlined in my previous blog post to setup SchemaSpy. I would also recommend testing to connect with a SQL username and password first in…

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Install SchemaSpy to document a SQL Server Database

Install SchemaSpy to document a SQL Server Database

SchemaSpy is a great free open source software for database documentation. You can get a first glimpse of this awesome tool by viewing the sample output. This blog post shows how to get SchemaSpy up and running in a new Windows environment and how to document your SQL Server databases.       (to execute a class) … If “command not found” is returned or similar error messages adding java to the path didn’t work Here’s an example…you will have to change…

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Better leave pies for dessert

Better leave pies for dessert

Example of an odd data viz I recently received mail with the following dataviz that made me chuckle and think: You might think, what the heck is that all about? In my home town an election for a new mayor will happen soon. One of the candidates asked all voters what they consider to be important from predefined categories. One important detail is, that you naturally could pick multiple answers. Just have a look at the percentages and ask yourself…

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Reflections on my session at PASS Data Community Summit 2022

Reflections on my session at PASS Data Community Summit 2022

It has been just on week since PASS Data Community Summit took place in Seattle and online. I attended from home but more importantly delivered my own brand-new session there (wooohooo!). Here I would like to quickly share some reflections on it. Summit It was an awesome experience being able to present at Summit. I visited the event in Seattle in 2019 in person. To be honest with you dear reader….being the first time in the US didn’t blow my…

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